Nordisches Online-Webinar zur dänischen Klimapolitik beim OECD Berlin Centre

Montag, den 17. Januar11:00 Uhr Zoom

Ich freue mich, als Diskutantin beim Online-Webinar des OECD Berlin Centres zur dänischen Klimapolitik dabei zu sein und meine Perspektive als Hamburger Politikerin einbringen zu dürfen! Aus der Ankündigung des OECD Berlin Centre:

OECD Logo„Green Transformation of the Economy – Denmark as a Role Model?“

Presentation: Andrew Barker, OECD

Followed by a discussion with:

  • Wilfried Rickels, Institut für Weltwirtschaft, Kiel
  • Katharina Beck, Bundestag (Hamburg)
  • Cecilia Hermansson, Climate Council, Sweden
  • Jorgen Elmeskov, Climate Council, Denmark

Thanks to excellent climate policy governance, strongly grounded in scientific advice provided by the Economic and Climate Councils, good coordination across Ministries and an important role for stakeholder and citizen engagement, Denmark has achieved a remarkable decoupling of greenhouse gas emissions from economic growth. A well advanced energy transition towards renewables has been support by strong reskilling policies. Going forward, introducing consistent and broad-based carbon pricing to support the envisaged transition to carbon neutrality by mid-century, decarbonisation of the transport sectors and the introduction of more efficient district heating will be key challenges. The seminar will discuss good practices that could inspire Denmark and lessons from its experiences for others.

Moderation: Nicola Brandt, OECD Berlin Centre

The event language will be English.


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